Bab 2
What is vectors?
= It is completely defined if both magnitude and direction are mentioned.
On the other hand, quantities which are completely defined only by magnitude are known as scalar.
1. Symbolism of vector
d 2. Addition of vector
a. Triangular Method
c b. Parallelogram Method
> Determine the of resultants of vectors by analytical method
Using Consinus formula
> Before continue to the consinus formula, we have to know how to get the resultant by using this graph.
> Subtraction of two vectors is identical to the addition of a vector with the negative of the other vector. The subtraction is C = A- B
> Determine the resultant of vectors
> Vector multiplication
1. Dot product
2. Cross Product
1. Dot Product
= Geometrically, the dot product of two vector is the magnitude of one times the projection of the second onto the first.
2. Cross Product
= Geometrically the cross product of two vectors is the area of the parallelogram between them.
The way to find the direction in cross is using the right rule. These are the steps :
1.Hold your right hand flat with your thumb perpendicular to your fingers. Do not bend your thumb at anytime.
2. Point your fingers in the direction of the first vector.
3. Orient your palm so that when you fold your fingers they point in the direction of the second vector.
4. Your thumb is now pointing in the direction of the cross product.
Example question
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